Victoria Literary Festival Ghost Writer Short Story Competition.

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Victoria Literary Festival Ghost Writer Short Story Competition. 2020-07-22T07:50:11+00:00

Criteria: A short piece of fiction with a minimum of 1400 words, taking into consideration the theme: Ghost Writer

A cash prize will be awarded to the winners and published in the Victoria Review.

All entries must be sent in print form to Victoria Literary Festival, PO BOX 82, Victoria, PE, C0A2G0 as well as a digital copy (PDF or word document) to:

[email protected].

The deadline is October 30th, 2020 and stories must be received by this date. The short story must not have previously been published or won a prize.

One of the finalists will be selected from Island writers.

The winners will be published in the Victoria Review in the summer of 2020 

First prize will receive 350 CDN$ with four runners up receiving 50 CDN$ each.

To enter the Victoria Literary Festival’s Ghost Writer Short Story Contest, please use the following critera.